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    作者:佚名 文章来源:暨南大学经济学院、留澳中国经济学会联合会 点击数:22386 更新时间:2013-7-19 23:03:43

    Call for Papers


    An International Conference on

    Industrial Upgrading and Sustainable Economic Growth in China

    12-13 December, 2013 (Thursday and Friday)

    Guangzhou, China


    Sponsored by


    Chinese Economics Society of Australia (CESA)

    School of Economics, Jinan University(暨南大学)


    On 12-13th December, 2013, The Chinese Economics Society of Australia (CESA) and Jinan University will be holding a joint conference in Guangzhou, China. The focus of the conference will be on industrial upgrading and sustainable economic growth in China. We specifically welcome submissions related to this theme, although other topics related to China’s economic development will also be considered. 


    Key Dates

    31 August 2013, abstract submission due

    1 October 2013, letters of acceptance posed

    25 November 2013, full paper due



    After the conference, attendees will have the opportunity to submit their papers for a special issue in China Economic Review. Papers will be selected through a double-blind peer review process.



    Paper presenters will receive free meals and accommodation during the conference. In general, travel costs should be met by individual presenters, although the organizers may be able to provide assistance in a limited number of cases.


    Contact Information

    For expression of interest, the submission of abstract/papers, please email the following address - cesajnu2013@gmail.com.


    For academic issues, please contact


    Dr. James Laurenceson                   Professor Anping Chen

    President of CESA                      School of Economics, Jinan University

    email: j.laurenceson@uq.edu.au            email: anping.chen@hotmail.com

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