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12th SUIBE–KAS WTO-Conference 2013 Call for Papers
作者:佚名 文章来源:上海对外贸易大学 点击数: 更新时间:2013-9-17 20:14:45

12th SUIBEKAS WTO-Conference 2013
23 November 2013
Trade and Climate Change

Call for Papers

Climate change is one of the greatest challenges the international community is currently facing. Mitigating global warming and adapting to its consequences will require far-reaching changes in global economic framework and major economic investment. Above all, unequivocal determination on the part of policy-makers, economic actors and citizens is needed.

With this objective, we would like scholars and policy makers in mainland China to submit your papers on the following core topics of our annual SUIBE-KAS conference:

  1. The Effects of Trade and Free Trade Policies on Climate Change;
  2. The Impact of Climate Change on the Direction and Flows of Trade;
  3. Trade as a Means of Economic Adaptation to Climate Change;
  4. Policies and Institutions to Mitigate and Adapt to Climate Change and Their Trade Impacts;
  5. WTO Trade Negotiations on Trade and Environment.

This years our conference will consist of two sections: a keynote speech section where we will invite WTO officials and senior scholars to present their research findings and frontier reports. During section II young Chinese scholars and policy makers will present those papers, which had been selected by the organisers.

Very Important Deadline:

Submission of Papers

30 September 2013

Confirmation of Presentation

30 October 2013

SUIBE-KAS Conference

23 November 2013



(a) Presentation of papers should be in English.

(b) Submission address:

Email: adn_cctrade@163.com

(c) Venue of conference:

Renaissance Shanghai Yangtze Hotel, 2099 YanAn West Road, Shanghai.
(d) Costs:

The costs of keynote speaker and presenters will be covered by the organizer, Shanghai University of International Business and Economics (SUIBE) and Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung KAS Shanghai. We will provide a free lunch for all participants.

Organizational Committee:

Prof. SUN Haiming SUN
President, Shanghai University of International Business and Economics (SUIBE), Shanghai, China

Dr. Peter HEFELE
Director, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung peter.hefele@kas.de

Secretariat of Organizational Committee

Prof ZHAO Hongjun (Secretary), SUIBE hjzhao2002@163.com

WEN Juan(Ms.)( Assistant), SUIBE wenjuan_sh@163.com

KOU Ying (Ms.) (Assistant), KAS Ying.Kou@kas.de

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