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NBER 工作论文第168期(20130422)
作者:佚名 文章来源:NBER 点击数1973 更新时间:2013-5-1 9:33:44 文章录入:rrec 责任编辑:rrec

1.  The Global Energy Outlook
by Richard G. Newell, Stuart Iler #18967 (EEE)

2.  Testing Macroprudential Stress Tests: The Risk of Regulatory Risk Weights
by Viral V. Acharya, Robert Engle, Diane Pierret #18968 (CF ME)

3.  Financial Literacy and High-Cost Borrowing in the United States
by Annamaria Lusardi, Carlo de Bassa Scheresberg #18969 (AG)

4.  Can Self-Help Groups Really Be "Self-Help"?
by Brian Greaney, Joseph P. Kaboski, Eva Van Leemput #18970 (DEV)

5.  The Surprisingly Dire Situation of Children's Education in Rural West Africa: Results from the CREO Study in Guinea-Bissau (Comprehensive Review of Education Outcomes)
by Peter Boone, Ila Fazzio, Kameshwari Jandhyala, Chitra Jayanty, Gangadhar Jayanty, Simon Johnson, Vimala Ramachandrin, Filipa Silva, Zhaoguo Zhan #18971 (DEV)

6.  Innovation and Production in the Global Economy
by Costas Arkolakis, Natalia Ramondo, Andres Rodriguez-Clare, Stephen Yeaple #18972 (ITI)

7.  Energy Production and Health Externalities: Evidence from Oil Refinery Strikes in France
by Emmanuelle Lavaine, Matthew J. Neidell #18974 (EEE HE)

8.  Why Does Balanced News Produce Unbalanced Views?
by Edward L. Glaeser, Cass R. Sunstein #18975 (LE)

9.  Shrouded Costs of Government: The Political Economy of State and Local Public Pensions
by Edward L. Glaeser, Giacomo A. M. Ponzetto #18976 (PE)

10.  The Geography of Inter-State Resource Wars
by Francesco Caselli, Massimo Morelli, Dominic Rohner #18978 (DEV EFG POL)

11.  Women's Emancipation Through Education: A Macroeconomic Analysis
by Fatih Guvenen, Michelle Rendall #18979 (ED EFG LS PE)

12.  Endogenous Sources of Volatility in Housing Markets: The Joint Buyer-Seller Problem
by Elliot Anenberg, Patrick Bayer #18980 (EFG PE)

13.  The Demise of Walk Zones in Boston: Priorities vs. Precedence in School Choice
by Umut M. Dur, Scott Duke Kominers, Parag A. Pathak, Tayfun Soenmez #18981 (ED LS PE)

14.  Patent Trading Flows of Small and Large Firms
by Nicolas Figueroa, Carlos J. Serrano #18982 (IO PR)

15.  The Pruned State-Space System for Non-Linear DSGE Models: Theory and Empirical Applications
by Martin M. Andreasen, Jesus Fernandez-Villaverde, Juan Rubio-Ramirez #18983 (EFG)

16.  Shaping Liquidity: On the Causal Effects of Voluntary Disclosure
by Karthik Balakrishnan, Mary B. Billings, Bryan T. Kelly, Alexander Ljungqvist #18984 (AP CF)

17.  A Bargaining Theory of Trade Invoicing and Pricing
by Linda S. Goldberg, Cedric Tille #18985 (IFM ITI ME)

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