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NBER 工作论文第177期(20130624)
作者:佚名 文章来源:NBER 点击数1797 更新时间:2013-8-23 20:00:50 文章录入:rrec 责任编辑:rrec

1.  How Firms Respond to Business Cycles:  The Role of Firm Age and Firm Size
by Teresa C. Fort, John Haltiwanger, Ron S. Jarmin, Javier Miranda #19134 (EFG PR)

2.  Propagation and Smoothing of Shocks in Alternative Social Security Systems
by Alan Auerbach, Lorenz Kueng, Ronald Lee #19137 (AG PE)

3.  Loans for Higher Education: Does the Dream Come True?
by Tomas Rau, Eugenio Rojas, Sergio Urzua #19138 (CH ED LS)

4.  Why High Leverage is Optimal for Banks
by Harry DeAngelo, Rene M. Stulz #19139 (CF)

5.  Drought of Opportunities: Contemporaneous and Long Term Impacts of Rainfall Shocks on Human Capital
by Manisha Shah, Bryce Millett Steinberg #19140 (CH DEV ED)

6.  Culture, Entrepreneurship, and Growth
by Matthias Doepke, Fabrizio Zilibotti #19141 (DEV EFG)

7.  Informal Care and Caregiver's Health
by Young Kyung Do, Edward C. Norton, Sally Stearns, Courtney H. Van Houtven #19142 (AG HE)

8.  Food Prices and Body Fatness among Youths
by Michael Grossman, Erdal Tekin, Roy Wada #19143 (HE)

9.  Eliciting Maternal Expectations about the Technology of Cognitive Skill Formation
by Flavio Cunha, Irma Elo, Jennifer Culhane #19144 (CH)

10.  Donative Behavior at the End of Life
by Jonathan Meer, Harvey S. Rosen #19145 (AG ED HE PE)

11.  Asset Pricing Implications of Macroeconomic Interventions An Application to Climate Policy
by Rajnish Mehra #19146 (AP CF EEE EFG)

12.  Economies of Scale in Nineteenth Century American Manufacturing Revisited: A Resolution of the Entrepreneurial Labor Input Problem
by Robert A. Margo #19147 (DAE)

13.  Inflation Dynamics and Time-Varying Volatility:  New Evidence and an Ss Interpretation
by Joseph S. Vavra #19148 (ME)

14.  Adverse Selection and an Individual Mandate: When Theory Meets Practice
by Martin B. Hackmann, Jonathan T. Kolstad, Amanda E. Kowalski #19149 (AG HC HE IO PE)

15.  Piracy and Copyright Enforcement Mechanisms
by Brett Danaher, Michael D. Smith, Rahul Telang #19150 (PR)

16.  Medicaid Insurance in Old Age
by Mariacristina De Nardi, Eric French, John Bailey Jones #19151 (AG HE PE)

17.  Sequential Monte Carlo Sampling for DSGE Models
by Edward P. Herbst, Frank Schorfheide #19152 (EFG ME)

18.  Land Reform and Sex Selection in China
by Douglas Almond, Hongbin Li, Shuang Zhang #19153 (CH DEV HE LE LS PE POL)

19.  Repairing the Damage: The Effect of Price Expectations on Auto-Repair Price Quotes
by Meghan R. Busse, Ayelet Israeli, Florian Zettelmeyer #19154 (IO)

20.  Financial-market Equilibrium with Friction
by Adrian Buss, Bernard Dumas #19155 (AP)

21.  Concentration in Mortgage Lending, Refinancing Activity and Mortgage Rates
by David S. Scharfstein, Adi Sunderam #19156 (AP CF IO ME)

22.  Does the Market Value Value-Added? Evidence from Housing Prices After a Public Release of School and Teacher Value-Added
by Scott A. Imberman, Michael F. Lovenheim #19157 (ED PE)

23.  Political Economy in a Changing World
by Daron Acemoglu, Georgy Egorov, Konstantin Sonin #19158 (POL)

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