NBER 工作论文2010年第16期 |
作者:佚名 文章来源:本站原创 点击数1988 更新时间:2010-4-20 14:43:36 文章录入:rrec 责任编辑:zhenyu |
1. A New Data Set of Educational Attainment in the World, 1950-2010 by Robert J. Barro, Jong-Wha Lee #15902 (EFG ME PE) http://papers.nber.org/papers/W15902
2. Putting Per-Capita Income Back into Trade Theory by James R. Markusen #15903 (ITI) http://papers.nber.org/papers/W15903
3. Getting Cars Off the Road: The Cost-Effectiveness of an Episodic Pollution Control Program by Maureen L. Cropper, Yi Jiang, Anna Alberini, Patrick Baur #15904 (EEE) http://papers.nber.org/papers/W15904
4. Nurturing the Accumulation of Innovations: Lessons from the Internet by Shane Greenstein #15905 (IO PR) http://papers.nber.org/papers/W15905
5. A Corporate Beauty Contest by John R. Graham, Campbell R. Harvey, Manju Puri #15906 (CF LS) http://papers.nber.org/papers/W15906
6. Decoupling and Recoupling by Anton Korinek, Agustin Roitman, Carlos A. Vegh #15907 (IFM) http://papers.nber.org/papers/W15907
7. Simple and Robust Rules for Monetary Policy by John B. Taylor, John C. Williams #15908 (EFG ME) http://papers.nber.org/papers/W15908
8. Tapping the Supercomputer Under Your Desk: Solving Dynamic Equilibrium Models with Graphics Processors by Eric M. Aldrich, Jesus Fernandez-Villaverde, A. Ronald Gallant, Juan F. Rubio-Ramirez #15909 (EFG) http://papers.nber.org/papers/W15909
9. Agency Costs, Mispricing, and Ownership Structure by Sergey Chernenko, C. Fritz Foley, Robin Greenwood #15910 (CF) http://papers.nber.org/papers/W15910
10. Trust and Well-being by John F. Helliwell, Shun Wang #15911 (HC PE POL) http://papers.nber.org/papers/W15911
11. Lab Labor: What Can Labor Economists Learn from the Lab? by Gary Charness, Peter J. Kuhn #15913 (LS) http://papers.nber.org/papers/W15913
12. Earnings, Consumption and Lifecycle Choices by Costas Meghir, Luigi Pistaferri #15914 (EFG LS) http://papers.nber.org/papers/W15914
13. Household Location and Schools in Metropolitan Areas with Heterogeneous Suburbs; Tiebout, Alonso, and Government Policy by Eric A. Hanushek, Kuzey Yilmaz #15915 (CH ED PE) http://papers.nber.org/papers/W15915
14. Ideological Segregation Online and Offline by Matthew Gentzkow, Jesse M. Shapiro #15916 (IO POL) http://papers.nber.org/papers/W15916
15. The dark side of outside directors: Do they quit when they are most needed? by Ruediger Fahlenbrach, Angie Low, Rene M. Stulz #15917 (CF) http://papers.nber.org/papers/W15917