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NBER 工作论文第66期(20110328)
作者:佚名 文章来源:NBER 点击数2807 更新时间:2011-3-28 19:14:14 文章录入:rrec 责任编辑:rrec


1.  Workday, Holiday and Calendar Adjustment with 21st Century Data: Monthly Aggregates from Daily Diesel Fuel Purchases
by Edward E. Leamer #16897 (TWP)

2.  The Short of It: Investor Sentiment and Anomalies
by Robert F. Stambaugh, Jianfeng Yu, Yu Yuan #16898 (AP)

3.  Sovereign Default Risk and Bank Fragility in Financially Integrated Economies
by Patrick Bolton, Olivier Jeanne #16899 (CF IFM PE)

4.  Economics of Individualization in Comparative Effectiveness Research and a Basis for a Patient-Centered Health Care
by Anirban Basu #16900 (HC HE)

5.  HIV Status and Labor Market Participation in South Africa
by James A. Levinsohn, Zoe McLaren, Olive Shisana, Khangelani Zuma #16901 (HE LS)

6.  Discussion Sessions Coupled with Microfinancing May Enhance the Role of Women in Household Decision-Making in Burundi
by Radha Iyengar, Giulia Ferrari #16902 (LS)

7.  Inflation-Indexed Bonds and the Expectations Hypothesis
by Carolin E. Pflueger, Luis M. Viceira #16903 (AP ME)

8.  Factor Prices and International Trade: A Unifying Perspective
by Ariel Burstein, Jonathan Vogel #16904 (EFG IFM ITI)

9.  Firm Exports and Multinational Activity Under Credit Constraints
by Kalina Manova, Shang-Jin Wei, Zhiwei Zhang #16905 (IFM ITI)

10.  Generalized Transform Analysis of Affine Processes and Applications in Finance
by Hui Chen, Scott Joslin #16906 (AP)

11.  The Promise of Beijing: Evaluating the Impact of the 2008 Olympic Games on Air Quality
by Yuyu Chen, Ginger Zhe Jin, Naresh Kumar, Guang Shi #16907 (IO)

12.  Does Market Experience Eliminate Market Anomalies? The Case of Exogenous Market Experience
by John A. List #16908 (EEE PE)

13.  Physician Response to Pay-for-Performance: Evidence from a Natural Experiment
by Jinhu Li, Jeremiah Hurley, Philip DeCicca, Gioia Buckley #16909 (HC HE)

14.  The Great Inflation: Did the Shadow Know Better?
by William Poole, Robert H. Rasche, David C. Wheelock #16910 (ME)

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