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荐文:Dots to boxes: Do the size and shape of spatial units jeopardize economic geography estimations?
作者:Briant A… 文章来源:本站原创 点击数:3166 更新时间:2014-8-15 21:40:19

AbstractThis paper evaluates, in the context of economic geography estimates, the magnitude of the distortions arising from the choice of a specific zoning system, which is also known as the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP). We undertake three standard economic geography exercises (the analysis of spatial concentration, agglomeration economies, and trade determinants), using various French zoning systems differentiated according to the size and shape of their spatial units. While size might matter, especially when the dependent variable of a regression is not aggregated in the same way as the explanatory variables and/or the zoning system involves large spatial units, shape does so much less. In any case, both dimensions are of secondary importance compared to specification issues.


全文链接:Dots to boxes: Do the size and shape of spatial units jeopardize economic geography estimations?


文章录入:zhangtinglin    责任编辑:zhangtinglin 
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